199. Standing in the Way

“The other day,” Stan began, “we talked about the the early church in Antioch and how the people listened to the Holy Spirit.”

“Yes,” I replied, “it was about what the Holy Spirit spoke to them while they were concentrating on ministering to the Lord.”

“That’s right,” Stan responded, “and there is another part of that I would like to focus on this morning.”

“What’s that?” I asked.

“It has to do with what the Holy Spirit said about what He had for Barnabas and Saul.”

Continuing, Stan said, “The Holy Spirit talked about what He had called them to do.”

“Called?” I asked.

“Yes, the Holy Spirit had something particular for them to do and it was a calling,” was Stan’s response.

“And,” he continued, “I think there is an important point about that.”

“Go ahead,” I replied.

“No one,” Stan responded, “is to stand in the way of what the Holy Spirit wants to do, whether it is with the individual or with another person.”

Continuing, he emphasized, “If the Holy Spirit has indicated He has a particular calling for a person, no one, including the person called, is to stand in the way of what the Holy Spirit wants to do in and through that person.”

“And,” Stan stated further, “it is the Holy Spirit who makes the calling clear.  It is not up to me to name my own calling.”

“But the essential part is that I am never to stand in the way of what the Holy Spirit has indicated He wants to do, whether it is with me or with another person.”


The Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.  Acts of the Apostles 13:2.

Prayer:  Thank you, Lord, that you have work for me to do for you on this side of eternity.  Please forgive me all of the times I have ignored what you have told me you wanted me to be and to do.  I give you all of me for your purposes.  Please, Lord, open me to see, understand, receive, and embrace all you want.  And please help me to get myself out of your way so it is you, not me, I follow.  Thank you that I can and do bring all of these prayers before you in the name of Jesus.  Amen.

One thought on “199. Standing in the Way”

  1. The more I draw closer to the Lord, the more I seem to recognize how I have ignored and even resisted the Holy Spirit many times. Truth be told, it continues and probably will continue although hopefully with less and less frequency, until He calls me home.
    I have found hope by intentionally practicing biblical principles on a more consistent basis that draw me closer to the Lord. This helps me recognize my weaknesses & also helps me focus more on applying His strengths in my life through the power of the Holy Spirit.
    The focus then becomes more on Him, less on me. He then receives the honor & glory for all good things accomplished in this life He has given me. It’s not about me.
    Christianity practiced is revolutionary and sets “man’s” wisdom on its ear.
    Help me Lord to practice Your ways, for they are much higher than my ways! Anyone who is serious about this walk of faith wants to hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant” when called home. I believe that an important aspect of hearing this will not be based on works we did in our own strength, but maybe moreso on the amount of surrender to Him that we practiced during this life as we practiced COL 3:23,24.


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